I 2019 gikk det bilder av hunder som løp på smeltevann, viralt på internett. Media hadde funnet «bevis» på at klimaet hadde skiftet på Grønland. Steffen Olsen i det danske meteorologiske institutt havnet plutselig i trøbbel da isen hadde fått mye overvann.
CNN skriver:
Photo of sled dogs walking through water shows reality of Greenland’s melting ice sheet
Senere kom også «videobeviset»:
Visitgreenland hadde en artikkel som beskriver dette fenomenet som noe normalt for lokalbefolkningen. De skriver:
The picture has been interpreted by many as dramatic confirmation of climate change, and this is understandable, as it looks pretty dangerous to a non-local eye to see dogs wading out into melting sea ice. However, this situation is not as unusual in Greenland as the hype would lead us to believe. It is, in fact, common for pools of meltwater to collect on sea ice in the early summer, and dogs and their mushers are used to traversing the ice in these conditions. Local mushers are practiced in telling when the ice is still thick enough to be crossed without risk. In this area, the ice is particularly thick, so it is common to experience a lot of standing meltwater as there are very few cracks in the ice for the water to drain through.
Dette skjer altså fordi isen i området er veldig tykk og at det er få sprekker i isen som smeltevannet kan dreneres ut fra. Det skjer ofte i Norge også. Hvis det er åpent inne mot land så kan tunge snømengder få isen til å synke. Snøen smelter og man får samme effekt som på bildet.
Visit Greenland skriver videre:
The team who took this photo were indeed surprised to see so much standing water on the sea ice this early in the season – this would normally be the scene in late June or early July – and the early accumulation of standing water can be attributed to a recent period of unusually warm weather which has rapidly melted the sea ice. But scientists insist that it is not that straightforward to link such short events to climate change. Although these conditions constitute an extreme weather event, this is not the same as a change in the climate. Climate change is observed in Greenland, but it can only be legitimately defined as changes that persist for an extended period, typically decades or longer, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Read more about climate and climate change in Greenland here.
Artikkelen om klimaendringer i Grønland sier dette:
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global average, and is experiencing some of the most intense effects of climate change, with southwest Greenland seeing the most rapid warming (about 3°C during the past 7 years). In July 2013, the temperature at Maniitsoq airport, just beneath the Arctic Circle in west Greenland, was recorded at 25.9°C. This is the highest temperature ever recorded in Greenland.
Det kan være at de ikke har hatt gradestokker der ute før i senere tid, men vi vet at det har vært mye varmere på Grønland. Det finnes mange artikler på internett som skriver som dette, Historienet.no:
Når Visit Greenland sier at Arktis varmes dobbelt så fort som det globale gjennomsnittet så er ikke det så veldig, veldig unikt for Grønland og Arktis: Everywhere Is Warming Faster Than All Locations
Her er en annen som har funnet det samme:
Alle steder i hele verden warmes raskere opp enn alle steder i hele verden:
Every Place On Earth Warming Faster Than Every Other – William M Briggs:
- The Arctic: The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average
- Europe: “Europe hotting up more than twice global average“.
- The Mediterranean: “The Mediterranean region is warming 20% faster than the global average.“
- The Middle East: “Middle East region heating up twice as fast as rest of globe.“
- Africa: “Africa’s climate has warmed more than the global average since pre-industrial times“; “Africa warming faster than rest of world: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report“.
- Russia: “Russia warming ‘2.5 times quicker’ than global average: ministry“.
- China: “China warming up faster than rest of the world: Report“.
- West Asia: “Countries in the eastern Mediterranean and West Asia are warming twice as fast as the global average”.
- Singapore: “Why Singapore is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
- Japan: “Tokyo’s mean annual temperature has risen by 2.86C since 1900, about three times as fast as the world average of 0.96C“.
- India: “Global warming to hit India the worst in Asia by 2070.“
- Pakistan: “Temperature increase in the region is at 0.42°C per decade, warming twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
- Indian Ocean: “Indian Ocean warming at higher rate than other oceans, says IPCC report.“
- Australia: “Australia is Warming Faster than Global Average“.
- New Zealand: “In the past two decades, it increased 0.0387 C per year, slightly higher than the world average.”
- South-West Pacific: “South-West Pacific region, ocean heat content has increased more than three times faster than the global average rate.“
- Antarctica: “South pole warmed ‘three times faster’ than global average over past 30 years.“
- Earth’s Lakes: “Earth’s lakes are warming faster than its air“.
- Canada: Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world.
- Latin America and the Caribbean: “Latin America and the Caribbean warming faster than global average“.
- Mexico: “Mexico is warming faster than the rest of the planet, they say“.
- Central and South America: “IPCC: Mean temperatures have very likely increased in all sub-regions and will continue to increase at rates greater than the global average (high confidence).“
- The Atlantic Ocean: “The Atlantic Ocean is warming the fastest“.
- Ladies & Gentlemen, I bring you the seat of the Regime, The Once United States of America: “Over the past 50 years, the U.S. has warmed 68 percent faster than the planet as a whole.“
- Every State Also Heating Up Faster Than Every State
- New England: “New England is warming faster than the rest of the planet, new study finds.“
- Northeast: “Northeast region of the U.S. is warming faster than the rest of the country.“
- California: “California Warming More than U.S. Average as CO2 Climbs“.
- Great Lakes Basin: “Great Lakes Basin warming faster than other parts of country, new study finds“.
- Southwest and upper Midwest: “THE SOUTHWEST (ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, AND TEXAS), IS THE FASTEST- WARMING REGION IN THE NATION: Michigan, Wisconsin and northern-tier states round out the Top 10“.
- Utah: “Climate Analysis Finds Utah Temperatures Rose Fifth Fastest In The Country“.